AUCloud is the latest addition to the Tech Council of Australia

The latest addition to the Tech Council of Australia, an industry association representing the technology sector, has been announced. AUCloud, a well-known Australian-owned provider of cyber security and sovereign cloud solutions, now brings its extensive expertise to the Council.

AUCloud specialises in supporting Australian Governments and critical national industries by offering a range of cyber security and cloud services. These include threat defence, detection and response services, as well as state-of-the-art sovereign cloud infrastructure and backup services.

Peter Maloney CEO of AUCloud said AUCloud was excited to become a member of the Tech Council of Australia and collaborate with industry leaders to further strengthen Australia’s thriving technology industry.

“AUCloud’s commitment to empowering Australian Governments, critical national industries, and security-conscious enterprises with the latest solutions and services through their leading cloud solutions and cyber security expertise,” Mr Maloney said.

ASX-listed AUCloud is recognised for its highly secure, standards-based, sovereign cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and security operations offerings. These solutions enable Australian Governments, critical national industries, and security-conscious enterprises to benefit from sovereign data protection and cyber security measures. Their accreditation and certifications ensure the implementation of best practice cybersecurity measures, making AUCloud an ideal partner for the Tech Council of Australia.

The Tech Council of Australia serves as a vital advisory body, facilitating collaboration between governments, businesses, and the wider community to promote technology adoption and development across various sectors. Their vision for a prosperous Australia revolves around harnessing the power of technology to unlock vast opportunities for individuals and industries.

By welcoming AUCloud as a member, the Tech Council of Australia strengthens its position as a leading advocate for the tech sector and further enhances its ability to support the continuous creation, development, and adoption of technology nationwide.